20Prayer and Fasting Focus
Biblical Fasting is simply –
“Refraining from Food for a Spiritual Purpose of having a deeper relationship with the Lord”.
While we Fast we also Pray for the Lord’s Favor and Blessings in certain areas.
These are the 7 Prayer Focuses for Abundant Living.
Abundant Nation (Personal Daily Devotions with God for every member) Launches in Feb. 2019
Our Abundant Health -
Members would experience blessings and miracles in their Physical & Mental Health.
We pray that our church will see supernatural healing miracles through the Holy Spirit.
Our Abundant Wealth -
100% tithers who will experience a supernatural surplus in their finances from the Lord.
0% Unemployment for the members of Abundant Living.
Our Abundant Families -
Marriages, Children, Single Parents, Widows and Widowers would be
blessed and experience the Provision, Favor and Comfort of the Lord.
Our Abundant Service -
That everyone has a heart and mind to serve in the ministry
and be faithful to their commitment.
That every Man of Steel serves his family at a higher level in 2019.
Our Abundant Living Sleep Safe Center will be acquired and fully operational in 2019.
Our Community & Public safety goal -
Decreasing and eliminating DUI’s in the High Desert.
That our Transportation program will lead to salvations after
individuals are dropped off at their destination.
8. Our Country, that our elected officials will hear and obey
the voice of God on all policies and laws
and that our country will always defend and protect Israel.