Blessings Abundant Family!


As we have this time at home with our precious children, we want to make sure you have access to resources to continue their learning.  Below are some websites that you can reference for this purpose. We hope you find these helpful. Also, as you are schooling your child at home, please keep these ideas in mind:

1. Keep it simple.  You and your kids have plenty on your mind already, so try not to go overboard.  You’re just giving your young ones the benefit of education without the stress.  

2.  Use the morning hours wisely since children are generally more focused during this time. 

3. Develop a routine that they can stick to.  Two to four hours of quality academic time (with breaks included) is likely sufficient, but no more than 2-3 hours on devices. (A sample routine is included below.)

4. Take breaks as appropriate.  If you notice your child getting a bit frustrated or bored, add in a break with an activity to increase the blood flow to his/her brain.  Try GoNoodle (on YouTube). 

5.  Make learning fun!  Encourage students to solve problems in creative ways and give them the opportunity to present their ideas.  Have them discover solutions for themselves, when possible, in addition to giving opportunities to work together.  Take a tour through a museum or visit The Walking Classroom for a unique learning opportunity. (Links to sites are in blue.)


Sample Routine:  This is just a sample with the programs shared.  Find what works best for you and your  child.  You may want to just do math or stories one day.  Just keep the positivity and allow your child to be creative to make this a fantastic and unique experience.   

Have fun!!

9:00 Reading/Writing (Audible by Amazon, Writing Activity)

9:45 Break (Go Noodle)

10:00 Math (Khan Academy, Room Recess)

10:45 Break (Some PE time here?… Just include something physical)

11:00 Science/Social Studies (Museum tour, Walking Classroom, How Stuff Works)

11:45 Lunch

12:30 Arts and Culture (Google), Technology (Coding)


Note: Don't forget to stay connected with your child’s teacher(s) through email, district websites or remote learning to stay on top of assignments. And remember:  You’ve got this!!

Here are some websites you can explore with your kids... 

  • Reading/Language Arts Assistance:

    Amazon Audible is offering free stories to families as long as schools are closed.  Listen to or read stories together and have some great conversation about the book before, during and after the reading.  Ask questions throughout the story to make sure that they have an understanding. 

    For example:

    *Ask specific questions about the personalities of the characters.

    *Have your child tell about how this story is similar to something else that they’ve read or seen.

    *Make a prediction about what will happen next… and you make one too.  (It’s okay if you’re wrong; the fun is in trying to figure it out.)

    *Discuss a lesson learned from the story and how it applies to real life.

  • Writing:

    Reading and writing go hand in hand.  

    Here are some options: 

    *Encourage your child to get creative by writing stories… or even better… a saga!  Encourage them by “enthusiastically” reading their stories then asking them about what might happen next.  You may want to write some stories of your own then share with each other.   

    *Another option is to have everyone in your family write a beginning sentence or paragraph for a story, then trade stories so that someone else in the family writes the next part, then trade again for the next part (and so on…).  It’ll be interesting to see how the stories turn out. When finished, sit together over some hot chocolate and read them. (It’s better with hot chocolate.) 

    *Journaling-  It may be helpful for your child to keep a journal during this time.  Sometimes kids are anxious and may act out in various ways. A journal allows expression of those feelings. If your child chooses to share the journal and would like to initiate a discussion, this would give insight to his/her feelings and assist with uncovering ways to help with those emotions. 

    25 Activities for Reading and Writing Fun

  • Math Activities and Assistance:

    Knowing basic math facts is essential for higher math since skills build upon each other.   

    *Have your kindergarten child practice counting and writing numbers

    *Practice and review addition and subtraction for first, second and third graders. 

    *Practice and review multiplication and division for third grade and up.

    Khan Academy offers support for early learners all the way through high school and beyond.  Instructional videos are available along with practice assignments and immediate feedback. 

    How can Khan Academy be used for remote learning during school closures?

    *Khan Academy has weekday live streams at 9 am on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

    Room Recess is another free math website that offers instructional videos, worksheets and games. These are available for grades kindergarten through sixth. 

    *Select the concepts for your child to work on, or a grade level for games to practice a skill. (This site also has access to videos, worksheets and games for reading and typing.) 

    RoomRecess | Free Learning Games for Kids Online

  • Science/Social Studies:

    Kids can feed their curiosity and explore the ‘how’ and ‘why’ behind a variety of subjects including health,

    technology, transportation, etc. They can later present what they’ve learned.

    HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!

    This site allows learners to explore the world by taking a virtual tour through famous museums.

    12 Virtual Museum Tours for Kids You Can Do Right This Second

    The Walking Classroom presents lessons on a variety of subjects that students can listen to while getting some

    exercise and much-needed sun. 

    Educational Podcast Samples

  • Technology/Coding:

    Coding is the method of giving instructions to a computer to perform a task. You may have also heard it referred to as software or computer programming. These instructions are communicated using a “computer language” (coding).  It is one of the skills seen as most important for future careers in technology. Student can learn and practice coding skills here:

    Hour of Code

  • Arts and Culture:

    Creating students with a well-rounded education includes exposure to the arts.  Find art activities, discover the

    creativity of cultural foods, or explore space and virtual reality.

    Google Arts & Culture

  • Physical Education:

    Kids have so much energy and they need opportunities to be moving!  Besides the break times mentioned

    between studying, it’s a great idea to schedule in an intentional time for PE.  Research suggests that kids

    should get about an hour of exercise daily.

    Our Favorite Virtual P.E. Resources to Keep Kids Moving at Home

  • For Breaks:

    GoNoodle offers dance-along type videos to get everyone up and moving and relieving stress. 

    GoNoodle: Home

    Or just search GoNoodle on YouTube  (Here’s a good one!)

    Trolls: Can't Stop The Feeling | GoNoodle